Photo by: Gabriella Muttone

Strong and beautiful social media celebrity @artsyagnes, with over half a million followers on Instagram alone, is known as the ‘vegan ballerina’.  Her focus on health and wellness, from her powerful ballet photos in unique, industrial-like settings, to her recommendations on beauty and fashion products that not only feel good, but are produced ethically and socially consciously, have made Agnes a revered household name in the wellness world. 

EG: What were you like as a girl?

AM: So much of what I remember as a child was that I was always very much invested in my ballet training. I had to choose ballet early-on as the activity to focus on, and I ended up giving up a normal childhood; I basically dedicated my entire life to ballet. Now I am so grateful to have ballet in my life, it’s a part of me and my history, but back then I’m not sure I was as enthusiastic!

Agnes Muljadi, Ballet

Photo By: Brienne Michelle Photography

 EG: Describe the journey you took to get to where you are now.

AM: Well as you can see ballet has always been such a force in my life, but I’ve always been a very creative person in all aspects of my life.  I started my Instagram account back in 2012 with 60 followers.  I used it to showcase some photography pieces of mine.  It came to a head when I became tired of posting product pictures and decided to post one of my ballet pictures for a change.  That one photo went viral, and essentially changed my life. @artsyagnes received hundreds of comments and likes at a time when I didn’t even have 100 followers.  Followers continued to come on board, and in order to grow my account to where it is now, I had to really focus all of my efforts to growing my brand. My journey was filled with hard work, long hours and excitement as well as I truly love sharing my lifestyle and my passions with the audience.

EG: Describe a day in your life.

AM: A day in my life typically begins with a morning 20-40 minute stretch and 20 minute meditation to prepare my mind and body. I then check my emails, post on my social media and work on my brand partnerships until about lunch time, when I typically take either a gyrotonics or yoga class. Afterwards, I head out to my business meetings or continue working on what the outstanding tasks I need to get done.  Around 5 pm I head to my pilates class and then to ballet until about 9 or 10pm.  It’s a long day of nonstop movement, but I love it. 

Agnes Muljadi, Ballerina, Ballet, vegan

Photo By: Ballet Zaida

EG: Where do you see yourself in five years?

AM: Well within the next 5 years I’d like to see the non-profit foundation that I am starting up, support the causes that I truly care about: healthy choices and opportunities for all, fair pay, and animal rescue.  It’s pretty eclectic but I think they’re all rooted in the idea that all living creatures should be given the opportunity to live a just and healthy lifestyle. As far as my social media presence, I’d like to continue to use it as a vehicle to give voice to the sustainable and conscious lifestyle.  My social media presence has led me to some of them most amazing campaigns and other opportunities that I have never even dreamed of.  I have to pinch myself sometimes at the amazing opportunities I’ve gained through work. It truly has brought so many blessings and invaluable experiences into my life, I hope this continues on for the next 5, 10 or 15 years!

EG: What is the best advice that you have ever received?

AM: Get in alignment with what you want first, then put out your efforts. Most people (including me) are so action centered that we tend to forget the importance of energy alignment with whatever it is that we’re trying to achieve. It is something that I try to remind myself of everyday. 

Follow Agnes here: @artsyagnes

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